What is Affiliate Marketing

How affiliate marketing Works

Some Companies explores their marketing avenues online they go to some platforms known as affiliate platforms and register their products there, they mention the affiliate commission for marketers who sell their products, commission could range from 5% to even 100% depending upon the company strategy to promote the product .

Now affiliate marketers approach this platform and register themselves with proper KYC, Affiliate marketers then try to sell the products available on these affiliate platforms online either organically of through paid ads and in return earn their respective commission from the companies , its very safe as affiliate platform act as an mediator and control everything from their end.

What we have to do as affiliate marketer is to register ourselves on this affiliate platform ,select the product according to our niche ,request with the companies who own the product for its marketing ,after getting the permission and getting affiliate link of the product try selling it to our customers on various social platforms available like facebook ,bing ,instagram ,pinterest ,telegram ,whatsap groups, linkindin ,You tube and so on. for earning affiliate commission

How to build up your affiliate marketing Business

Affiliate marketing is an excellent source of passive income if pursued with patience and crafted tactfully.

Selling affiliate products to the customer shouldn’t be our only target, we have to focus on creating a customer base of customers who had shown interest on a particular product of a particular niche.

Customer base could be created by taking the details of the people who had approached the product through the ads or have approached organically through youtube or other social platform, it is done through a landing page which attracts people to the product and before revealing the product details email id and contact of the person is taken so that future correspondence can be maintained ,in an average from 100 customers who show interest in the product only 5 percent goes into the final purchase, if we collect the data base of all the customers we can pitch the product to the remaining 90 customers and can convert them later ,at some point of time all the customers get converted for some or other product, its normally said that each mail id collected is equivalent to a dollar price in long run.

This contact details can be used for future correspondence for selling another product or services, it is a very channelized process where customers are sent series of mails, making a good relation with them ,providing them value so that they get more and more interested and then after they know you and trust you and are looking for more value from you you can sell other products and services ,its a lifetime relationship if cared properly.

Niche selection

Niche is the catagory in which you want to sell your affiliate product, there are practically 4 types of niches

  • Health
  • Wealth
  • relationship
  • Spirituality

this niches could be further subcategorized-

  • HEALTH-Body building ,nutrition diet ,keto diet ,yoga, different exercises etc
  • Wealth-selling online trading , mutual funds, bank loans ,finances etc
  • Relationships- marriage bureau, dating/escorting etc

to run a successful affiliate marketing business you have to become specialist in your niche, you should understand the pulse of your customer in your niche as to what they like ,dislike what are they actually looking at , what is more valuable to them, your customer should start believing in you to an extent that your customers should start depending on you for advise and whatever you suggest should be taken very seriously by them, even if you can charge a premium to them for your advise they should be happily paying you that, it requires an extensive research and study to become a specialist but once you specializes the amount of money that flows in is worth the effort.

Why promote in particular niche and not promote every product

If you try to sell everything you wont be able to sell anything as no one will trust you for any of your product, everyone want to take product from someone who is expert in that product not from someone who sells everything and is not sure of anything.

By promoting products in same niche you can collect the mail ids of people in that particular niche and in future easily promote product ,if you mix up with the products you will not know the relevancy of the customer with the product and later send irrelevant mails to the customers, pissing off the customers and they would eventually loosing out ,customers would unsubscribe you as this sends a bad signal to the customer as they loose trust from you, and the email provider also losses trust as the bounce rate increases

How to select niche

Before selecting a niche you have to understand one point very clearly that why are you creating the blog in first place.

is it for earning or its just your passion about the topic that you are comfortable writing on, some niche have abundance of potential in generating money others are not that catchy, like if you select a wealth niche you have many products in finance which you can promote for eg if the topic is about earning money online and you have selected something on digital marketing that you can become affiliate for hosting providers, themes providers, keyword research tools, site speedup tools and so on, there you get handsome commission , for loans if you are affiliate of some banks you are rewarded handsomely when some deal is cracked ,wealth niche also have drop shipping , ecommerce, business with it, similarly in health niche you can be affiliate to gym products ,nutrition products ,keto diet other diet plans and so on, relationship niche is with less possibilities of earning and spirituality also doesn’t have much of the products to cash on, so you have to understand one thing before selecting a niche that your niche should be good enough in solving your purpose .

“If you are jack of all trades and master on none” you wont be successful here in affiliate marketing.

How To Choose Product for Affiliate Marketing

Product for affiliate Marketing is chosen from the affiliate platforms according to the niche, product range varies a per their prices some are high ticket products and some are low ticket products.

High Ticket products

Product of high price are known as High ticket products, this products are sold over a period of time with proper planning, upfront value is given to the customer for free of cost or at very nominal charges and this value is given to the customer for a period of time so that customer become accustomed to your style , start understand the importance of value provided and eventually start trusting you and become your follower, and when that happens he is ready to purchase the high value product from you because now he trust your selection and believes in your knowledge, platforms where people get affiliate products of high value is CLICKBANK & CLICKFUNNEL

Low Ticket Product

Low ticket products are comparatively cheaper and more affordable then high ticket products, These product can be sold if selling process is properly channelized through a landing page and by providing upfront value , customers if they like the value provided by you and want to explore the product and if they really require the product will purchase it without much of hassle , Companies selling affiliate products also give a sales page banners and other means of advertising for there products, you can use them and through facebook ads, google , ads can sell this products, some of the platforms that sell low ticket products are Warrior Plus, JV zoo, Digistore 24.

How to find right customer

Product are sold to customers on social sites like facebook ,google ,instagram ,pintrest ,linkindin ,whatsapp ,telegram ,Youtube and so in, but what to sell where is of utmost importance as all platforms have a traffic of different taste and age,

What could be sold on Bing cannot be sold on Instagram as both the platforms cater different age groups, Instagram is assessed by mostly young people,mostly by school going college going students or young professionals, and “Bing” is a platform for elderly people so while promoting product you’ll have to keep in mind as what traffic are you reaching for in that platform.

similarly on facebook you can promote high value products as its assessed by both young and old equally and selling even the high ticket product is possible here ,but pintrest again is for young people if you try to sell high ticket product on pintrest or instagram its of no use as you don’t have customers there.

Linkedin has professional interacting ,so selling something of high value is very easy through linkindin/