Affiliate marketing Using Facebook groups

Facebook group marketing strategy is an wonderful strategy to grow your audience organically and by providing consistent value to them make them your loyal followers who will trust you and would be seeking more value from you even by paying a premium for it.

How to implement Facebook Group Strategy

As we promote product in a particular category ,it be related to Health, wealth relationship or spirituality

be specific and go to the micro category in your niche in which you want to grow your audience, now go to the groups section in facebook and search for the groups in your micro category.

Join that groups and start providing value there.

it could be provided by answering some query ,solving some ones problem or by giving your ideas and views about the topic on discussion even recommendation and suggestions about something which genuinely solve a problem is appreciated by groups ,it shouldn’t look like spamming,.

that way the group member will acknowledge your efforts and would like to gain more value from you.

they may open your profile and try to reach out to you to solve there problem, that way you bring in that audience to your group and once in your group by providing more value you can build trust and later sell your products charging premium for it.

Remember when you join a group never give your link ,website address or don’t try to show off in the group , also never ask viewers to DM( direct message) you because that way you break the normal code of conduct of the group and annoyed by your action you may be kicked out of the group. ,just try to gel up with the group and try keep everything in good faith