What is Content Marketing

Content Marketing -The beginners guide

When you offer a detailed description or explanation of certain topics in a content form that satisfies all the queries of the reader and convinces him towards your observations and recommendations is known as Content marketing.

with Content Marketing you get visitors which turn into repeat visitors who develop faith in your judgments reviews and recommendations.

The online reputation of a Blog is very important to get any type of traffic or sales. without reputation it’s impossible to generate consistent traffic and business, this is the reason why most bloggers quit this industry as creating a reputation requires a load of hard work, research knowledge, and time.

How is Content Marketing done?

Starting a Blog

A Blog is a website where a person writes about various topics related to any field in which he specializes or is interested ,Blogger tries to give detailed and honest opinion on the topic in his blog.

Blog execution strategy

ZERO on the content your visitors of the blog are looking for, anyone who visits a particular blog is actually visiting blog to find solution to his some or other problem, all you have to do is to make a content strategy around that problem.

after knowing the topic of your content strategies your content targeting your visitors so that they are fully satisfied and convinced with the value you provide in the blog, this could be done by following these tactics-

consistency in posting content

If you are consistent with your posting schedule and frequency, posting content at fix days and time, visitors will know about that and will keep visiting your blog accordingly .

detailed post explaining in simplest way possible-

Explaining in details about the content help visitors to understand things better, this in turn give them confidence that they have approached the right person and they keep revisiting your blog for more value thus improve your ranking on search engines.

Keep track of your competitor content strategy

knowing your competitor is must in improving your marketing strategy.

To have an edge over your competitor analyze the keywords they are targeting, know about there posting frequency in short know everything and strategies your execution so that to boost your ranking over them

Make these Additions in blog to improve your reach and search

Guest posting with detailed content

Guest posting build your relationship with other bloggers which help you to create backlink with them, with detailed blog post you get better ranking in google as google always prefer a well curated elaborate content over a short content.

Explaining with case studies

A simple marketing strategy is to give reference of others to generate sale because people always have more trust on something if they find that others have good experience with it, when you explain with evidence and data people automatically have faith in it.


Proof of video reach is YOU TUBE reach which is now the 2nd to the Google, people prefer to watch video content as its an easy way for content absorption, creating Video which promote your blog does web mention for your blog which help to increase its reach.

Using social platforms like Instagram Pinterest etc

Instagram and Pinterest are both image platforms, you can create beautiful and appealing images on these platforms and pull visitors to your blogpost. many top brands are generating sales using these platforms

email marketing

Generating a email list using the right email solution can provide you with a huge database of people who could be your prospective clients in future, email marketing is the best practice to generate leads, with the ROI of $40 for every dollar spent on email marketing is the best in the industry.

Content Marketing by getting more exposure for your content

You can draw more exposure for your blogpost by doing the following things on your blogpost-


Using search engine optimization techniques you can optimize your blog to get more traffic on your blog


You can interview the industry expert and ask them for a tweet or backlink from their blog in this manner you can have good blog exposure.

Comments on Blog

When you comment on a blogpost written by other blogger you draw their attention towards you and to your blog, and if you comment in a professional manner giving them the clue of right and wrong they will surely admire your expertise and provide a back link for your blog and in this manner you get good exposure for your blog

Analysing Analytics

Using Google analytic tool you can find your top pages and performing keywords and strategies your content marketing strategy emphasizing on the keywords that are generating more traffic for you.


Whole process of executing content marketing strategy can be summarized into 6 steps as following

1)Detailed audit of your content

Analyze your content from time to time.

update it on regular basis ,try to add recent developments in connection to your topic.

use the tools available to review your website

2)Have a definite Purpose

Remember your ultimate goal is visitor/customer satisfaction

engage customer by providing value

using funnels to engage and finally convert customer and he enjoying that journey is must

customer should be fully satisfied and ready to get more involved with you

this ultimately help you to upsale and scale your business

3) Develop a content calendar

Post content in a routine flow.

have a specific day and time when your content will be published.

customers should get addicted to your content absorption that they wait for it to get published.

always end content with an precap of what they can expect next.

customers should know your publishing time and date ,inform them if any delay.

treat customers time very precious never ever keep then guessing or waiting for long.

4) Choose Topic which are always fresh and keep refreshing them

build a content on topics which interest your audience always.

this topics could never be outdated.

just refreshing them from time to time will make them as fresh as ever.

your audience would love to get engaged here and wait for new articles.

it results in more audience engagement and ultimately lower bounce rate.

5) Optimize search engines with tools available

For our content to get noticed on search engines it should be thoroughly optimized so as to draw both organic and paid traffic

The traffic in both the aspects ie quantity with quality.

Keyword research is the most important tool that need to be implemented,

keyword research tools available in the market are

google search console-officially provided by google and is free of cost

Keywords everywhere & keyword tool dominator

6)use images/videos /pictures

Use free tools available in the market to generate your images and videos, some tools used prominently are

Infogram, Canva, Snappa, bannersnack & visme