Basics of SEO(Search Engine Optimization)

What is SEO

Google has an language

If we tell something to Google in the language it understands that only it will know what you are trying to say

SEO is a language which Google understands

when Google understands your language it starts taking care of your article and try to show it to audience in the process increases the visibility of your article on its pages

Importance of SEO

when you write a article on your website

what’s your purpose for that?

giving service or value or selling products to your customers.

But for that google has to understand what you are writing

With SEO google clearly understands your article and try placing it before the viewers who are making searches for it.

The better the optimization better are the chances for google to place it on its first page

Founding Pillar of SEO

if we talk about SEO their are more then 300 SEO factors that are to be considered .

Most of them are drawn from 3 main SEO factors namely

  • Off Page SEO-Backlinks
  • On page SEO-Content and internal links
  • Technical SEO-Schema markup
  • Social Signals


Backlink is simply a link from other website linking to your website

eg like we are giving a backlink to Wikipedia here Backlink explained in Wikipedia

Why is it important

When any relevant site which has good reputation in Google eye gives you a backlink it gives clear signal to google that reputed site is recommending and endorsing your site and acknowledges about your article .

Google then start recommending it itself and start showing it to the prospective viewers and customers

Internal Links

Interlink is the link inside your own website which recommend other articles on your website by providing a link for them

More the interlinking the more are the chances that the viewer knows more about your website and spend more time on your website , in the process gaining google trust which helps in improving ranking.

Anchor Text

Anchor text is the text of the link which your audience see when going through your article

eg Backlink explained in wikipedia is the anchor text for a backlink whick will take your to wikipedia article on backlink

How to Build Backlinks

Following are the trusted ways to build a Backlink

  • Guest Posting
  • Commenting on other Blogs
  • Testimonials
  • Roundup Post
  • Broken Link Building

Guest Posting

Requesting Relevant sites for writing a Article for their site and in return asking them to provide link to your site in their website is called Guest Posting.

Its beneficial for both the parties as the website will get a premium article and when they provide a link you will get a good backlink.

Commenting on Other Websites

Commenting on other relevant Blogs draw attention of the blogger of that site, if the comments are good or even critical but adding value to the site its still appreciated and help in building relations, in the process you may also get a link from that website.


Writing Testimonials for the product or services which you have purchased from other websites always helps in building backlinks .

When you write a testimonial for the product it will be there on the blogger site and if the blogger is benefited through them like if its increasing their sale or service they will surely appreciate it and may provide a backlink for your site in long run

Roundup Post

You can use social sites like Facebook/linkindin/twitter etc and ask question to the experts on your topic, then compiling them and posting them on your website giving links to the experts websites helps in building backlinks

Broken Link Building

Find relevant articles and check the links provided by them

if you find that any link is broken or its linking to some outdated article you can approach then and request them to add your link in the broken link place since your article is all fresh and updated .

in the process you add value to their article and gets yourself a good backlink.


Content is the Articles which you write on your website

Google check your content before showing it to audience so content should really be good and providing value to the audience

Use primary Keyword in Headline

Headline is important because from here only audience or Google will know what the article is all about.

Targeted Keyword should always be there in the Headline.

Use Related Keywords

Using the Primary keyword over and over again in your article makes it look clumsy.

Nowadays even Google Bots too recognises that a keyword is overused and Google consider it as spamming .

instead used related keywords in your article that makes it look good and also google won’t consider it spamming.

Length of your Content

Longer content with full information is always given priority by Google so always try to write a longer content covering every aspect possible relating to the article

Optimization of Content

Few tips for optimizing your article

  • Add images and your keyword should be the text for “alt-text”
  • write and publish consistently it makes a huge lot of difference
  • link to other authority sites

Social Signals

Try to generate “shares” , “likes” , “tweets” for your article across the social platforms,

More the content is spread across social platform more the Google trust it and displays on its first page.


Shall a beginner start from beginning writing SEO article

Google will like you to write good articles first, SEO is the second part, for a beginner in blogging writing good valuable article should be the priority, at least like 10 articles first before thinking of the SEO.

Can i Rank on Google first page without SEO

Google has to understand you before ranking you, without SEO which is google language its difficult for Google even to make out what your article is all about, so SEO is a must but if you are a beginner dont stress on SEO initially first concentrate on writing good content and then after having a handful of them start applying SEO on them.

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google web stories

schema markup